ESSOP-25 years: personal reflections from one who started the European Society for Social Paediatrics.
Lennart Kohler; European Society for Social Paediatrics
Child Care Health Dev. 2003 Sep;29(5):321-8
Abstract: ESSOP – the European Society for Social Paediatrics – was initiated in Lund, Sweden in 1977, and at the annual congress in Spetses, Greece, its 25th anniversary was celebrated.
At the congress, Professor Lennart Köhler, who started the organization and for 10 years was its first Secretary General, presented his recollections from the life of ESSOP, its people, activities, strategies and ideologies, and the main lines of development over the years. This paper presents an edited version of his speech for the benefit of the readers of Child: Care, Health and Development.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2214.2003.00350.x