4 th European School of Social Paediatrics, 2012, Zagreb, Croatia
Topic: Adverse factors influencing early child development
Nov 15 – 17, 2012
Dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure to announce and to invite you to another conference of European School of Social Paediatrics that will take place in Zagreb, capitol of Croatia. Scientific Comittee was challenged to give an overview of broad range of topics covering „Adverse factors influencing early child development“. Important, reletively unknown public health issue will introduce participants in different aspects of dramatic biological and socio-emotional changes, specially in early child development, that might be caused by enviromental changes and adverse factors. To establish comprehensive approach to health, School will provide interdisciplinary set of presentations.
More info at www.quovadis.hr/issop
Assist. Prof. Milivoj Jovancevic, M.D. Ph.D.,