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- Updated: 1 April 2019
e-bulletinISSOP e-Bulletin Nº 30. November 2017
CONTENTS 1. Introduction: 1.1 Editorial, by Jeff Goldhagen
2. Metings and news: 2.1 International Network of Paediatric Surveillance Units (INOPSU) 2.2 Third Latin American Biennial of Childhood and Youth 2.3 ISSOP AGM 2018 2.4 Budapest declaration 2.5 RCPCH Report on child poverty 2.6 Asia Conference on Child Rights, Lahore, Pakistan
3. International Organisations: 3.1 All different, all equal. Antibullying week
4. Current controversy: 4.1 WHO launches new violence prevention resource 4.2 Smacking banned in Scotland 4.3 Failure of antibiotics
5. CHIFA report
6. Publications 6.1 The Lancet: Review on Health and Climate Change
7. Erratum