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- Updated: 21 May 2019
VAN TRIMPONT, Inge and HOPPENBROUWERS, Karel, 2018. The application of ICF in the context of the integration of chronic ill schoolchildren in mainstream education in Flemish school health care. In: ISSOP2018 - Early Childhood Intervention: Science, Systems and Policies - Promoting Healthy Development of Vulnerable Children [online]. Bonn, Germany: DGSPJ. 28 September 2018. p. 1–120. [Accessed 4 November 2018]. Available from:
Content and objective of the workshop: Schoolchildren with a chronic condition suffer from barriers in mainstream education. Therefore, they are at risk for leaving education unqualified. In order to bring down those barriers it is necessary to assess their educational needs. The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) is an internationally recognized framework, offering school health professionals the possibility to bridge the gap between a disease diagnosis and educational needs. A guideline development as outlined by the Flemish Society for Youth Health Care was used, including systematic literature review, clinical expert advice, focus sessions with parents, educational and pupil guidance professionals and medical doctors, and written surveys with children with a specific chronic condition and their parents. The presentation will focus on how ICF-CY can bridge the gap between a medical diagnosis and the assessment of educational needs. In Flanders the ICF-CY is integrated in the Needs Based Assessment methodology used by school health professionals. The consecutive steps, from identification of relevant ICF-clusters , over the translation of chronic disease labels into (ICF-based) potential functional restraints, to the detailed definition of measures to be taken in education to overcome the functional restraints for a specific child, will be discussed. Since March 2014 the use of the ICF-CY for the assessment of special educational needs of children with a chronic condition is included in the Flemish law on education for children with special educational needs.
Authors, Institutions:
Inge Van Trimpont MD., GO! Education of the Flemish Community
Prof.dr. Karel Hoppenbrouwers, Departement of Youth Health Care, KULeuven