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    • Updated: 21 May 2019
  • RENNER, Ilona, 2018. Early preventive services in Germany – new beginnings and the challenges to collaborate among youth welfare and health services. In: ISSOP2018 - Early Childhood Intervention: Science, Systems and Policies - Promoting Healthy Development of Vulnerable Children [online]. Bonn, Germany: DGSPJ. 27 September 2018. p. 1–120. [Accessed 4 November 2018]. Available from: https://www.issop.org/cmdownloads/renner-issop-2018/

    Background: For more than a decade, Germany has been making concerted efforts to strategically strengthen its approach to early preventive services. The nationwide programme “Frühe Hilfen” includes cross-sectoral collaboration as a central component, particularly between the child and youth welfare sector and the health care sector

    Method: To estimate successes of the programme as well as further challenges and barriers the National Centre on Early Prevention (NZFH) developed a 5 step theory of change, which underpins NZFH’s research programme.

    Results: The results of the NZFH’s monitoring and evaluation framework shows that in general the efforts to strengthen preventive services for families in Germany have been so far successful. However, further challenges could be identified.

    Discussion: The programme is based on equity considerations: It aims at providing the same chances for every child in Germany to grow up healthy and safe. To achieve this aim the further development of a successful strategy to especially target high-need, low-resource populations is required.

    Authors, Institutions: Ilona Renner, Nationales Zentrum Frühe Hilfen in der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung
